A New Chapter in Tara’s Book

There’s a shift in the air. I can almost see it. I feel like God is showing me something significant about myself, but I haven’t been able to grasp it yet.
My name is still the same, but my family is changing. I have let go of what could’ve been for what should be.
As my body begins to trust that I am actually coming back to life this time, I get hot flashes and crazy dreams. My dreams are showing me how confused my subconscious is.
It is time to heal. I surrender it all to the Father. He is the safest place for me. He guides me to still waters for His namesake.
My fear of success and my fear of failure are not in control anymore. I let go and I let God.
I know His purpose for me is to love deeply and to be loved deeply. I trust He will make a way again. The compassion and charity I have been granted from Him is a blessing that I won’t waste or take for granted.
I’m close to family, in counseling, in a support group and ready to rekindle the fire inside of me.
Watch out world! Here comes the Cowgirl of Freedom!