It’s In the Water

It’s In the Water
Photo by Linus Nylund / Unsplash

Something is happening to me, to you and a ton of others. We have this problem that we can’t seem to get to the bottom of.

There’s nothing keeping us from truly acknowledging it but we can’t seem to admit it. We’re stuck. We’re too numb to see ourselves.

We‘re becoming harder and harder. Instead of allowing ourselves to be broken and hurt we keep pushing and fighting to look the same as everyone else.

If it looks like we fit the mold online and at the kids school and around our family then we’re in the green. But we’re in the red. We’re always in the red.

So we cope in ways that deepen the red. We dig our hole deeper and deeper until no one can see us.

The only way to stop it is to stop drinking. It’s in all the water and the water is in everything.

Everyone just keeps drinking it. It’s ruining our lives and we can’t live without it.

It’s in the water guys. It’s in the water! IT’S IN THE WATER!!!

Put the drink down, it’s time. I know it’s not that simple but it will change your life. If we can simplify it to JUST DON’T DRINK for this hour maybe we’ll make it long enough to dinner.

After dinner we can draw something instead of drinking the water.

Eventually we can replace the water with real water. We can be genuine. We have capacity to be honest. Let’s do it. One day at a time.