To Thine Own Self Be True

To Thine Own Self Be True

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to look myself in the mirror. I remember being 14 and in AA for the first time and my first 24 hour chip said “To thine own self be true”. I wrote that down and for years have really tried to have integrity in my spirit, mind and body.

The last few years I’ve been so brokenhearted about my family falling apart. I was being true to myself by dissolving the covenant, although it was already betrayed and infringed.

I’ve taken two selfies this weekend. That’s improvement, I’m starting to appreciate myself again.

To be true to myself I have to be honest, as they say in AA: “rigorously honest”.

Honestly, I’m a catch. 🤓🍿

I’m starting to become dangerous again. The cowgirl of freedom, beware she‘s getting ready for a showdown with Satan!